A narrative a structure built of events which is presented in a perticular way to the audicence.
Tzveten Todorov is known for "linear narrative" meaning that all events in the film happen in chrinological order.
All narratives have a specific structure which is followed by almost all stories.
Equilibrium- the ordinary life, everything as normal
Disruption- The normality is being distorted by an outside force
Recognition- There is recignition that a disruption has aken place
Repair- attempt to repair the consequences of disruption
New Equilibrium- The problem is repaired and everything is normal again but not the same as before
Examples of narrative:
Example 1
Arctic Monkeys - Leave before the lights come on
Equilibrium: The man finds the women on the roof, trying to help
Disruption: The woman is trying to kiss the man
Recognition: The man rejects the women telling her to leave
Repair: The man walks away from the woman
New Equilibrium: The woman returns to the roof finding another man.
Example 2
The Dark Knight Rises

Equilibrium: The city is safe and everyone lives their own lives
Disruption: The evil is attacking the city and batman is being jailed and harmed by the evil
Recognition: Batman healed his wounds and got out of jail
Repair: The city fights againts the evil and batman leads the fight
New Equilibrium: Batman banish the suit and live his own life, city is destroyed but people are safe
Example 3
The Amazing Spider-man

Equilibrium: The boy lives his life
Disruption: The boy is bitten by a super-spider, his unle is killedalso helps to create a monster
Recognition: The boy finds out his super-powers, finds the killer of his uncle and the monster
Repair: The superhero finds the monster and kills it using his superpowers
New Equilibrium: The superhero decides to fight evil using superpowers
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